NPA 2020 Annual Meeting Postponed
12 Marzo 2020Dear Fellow Members,
As recently communicated by NPA Executive Director, Delia Murphy, the 2020 annual event to have been held this upcoming week in Orlando Florida, will be postponed and rescheduled for a future date. Recently the NPA Board of Directors came together for a special meeting regarding this topic and unanimously recommended this action in light of the current coronavirus crisis.
This decision was not made lightly, as much time, hard work and planning by NPA staff and committee members had gone into coordinating the event. At the board meeting it was discussed that many NPA member companies were limiting and in some cases banning all employee nonessential travel at this time. Many of our Europe based members and all of our Italian members and guests would be unable to attend as Italy continues to grapple with an escalating disruption in economic and social life. Historically the chief purpose for the NPA annual meeting is the coming together of its members to network, learn and share important pasta industry data.
The board and myself, certainly believe moving the scheduled event to a future time would serve the best interests of the NPA. At its very foundation, the board’s guiding priority has always been the wellbeing of its members and in a spirit of abundant caution, the decision was made.
It is our hope that once the uncertainties surrounding this crisis have subsided that a suitable new date for our meeting will be set. Please know, as always, I remain available to any member who may have questions regarding this topic or any NPA matter. My thoughts and prayers are with those affected by and suffering from the coronavirus as well as with those caring for them. Hope to see and be with you all soon. Be well.
Sincerely yours,
Carl L. Zuanelli
NPA Chair