Third European fresh pasta and gnocchi conference a success

8 Luglio 2014 Off Di Pastaria

Recently concluded the third European Fresh Pasta and Gnocchi Conference promoted by the Association of Fresh Pasta Producers (APPF) with its president Giovanni Rana. Distinguished audience with representatives from leading sector players.

The third European Fresh Pasta and Gnocchi Conference promoted by the Association of Fresh Pasta Producers (APPF), presided over by Giovanni Rana and directed by Justo Bonetto, was held on 30 May.


Within the charming cornice of the decorative stuccoes and frescoes of the 17th-century Salone del Ridotto of the Hotel Monaco & Grand Canal in Venice, located in the immediate vicinity of the enchanting Piazza San Marco, representatives of this sector from Italy and Europe met for a free day of study and discussion of such issues as national and EC legislation, trends in the Italian and European market, aspects of food hygiene and safety, production technologies and many other issues.

A rich program of presentations offered in a morning and afternoon session, with a lunch break enjoyed by conference participants. Many of the presentations by the speakers can be read in this issue of Pastaria which offers an ample feature section dedicated to the conference.

Giovanni Rana, president of APPF, had the honor of delivering the welcoming keynote address which stressed that the European market still offers extraordinary opportunities for those operating on an international scale in the fresh pasta and gnocchi sector.

Conference speakers included:

Ferdinando Galassi (IRI Senior Manager), Fresh pasta and chilled products today: comparison between Italy and leading European countries;

Gerhard Weber (General Manager of Bundesverband der Deutschen Feinkostindustrie e. V., Germany), Interesting aspects of EU legislation on pesticides residues, contaminants, food labelling;

Fabio Brusa (Logos – Avvocati associati, Venice), Designation of Origin and Made in Italy. Italian laws and the EU;

Stefano Zardetto (Quality Assurance and Research & Development Department Voltan S.p.a.), Fresh pasta: aspects of quality, technology and health, hygiene and safety of Italian products in the context of the European market;

Fraser McKevitt (Kantar World Panel, United Kingdom), Overview of structure of UK chilled food market. Focus on fresh pasta market;

Dario De Medici (Istituto Superiore Sanità, Rome), Horse meat, a European scandal that offers new risk for the Italian market following the recent emergencies;

Luigi Storchi (Quality Manager Grandi Pastai Italiani), Potato gnocchi: evolution, types and European market for this traditional Italian specialty;

Alberto Volpe (Italia del Gusto), Private brands: strategies and roles for European distribution;

Angelo M. Ronchi (R&D Tecnessenze), Opportunities for the fresh pasta and gastronomy sector;

Oretta Zanini De Vita, Potato gnocchi: the historical roots of one of Italy’s leading traditional food specialties.

Taking turns moderating the discussion were Fabio Brusa, attorney, expert in EC legislation and Stefano Zardetto, Quality Assurance Research and Development Manager for the Voltan Group.

The conference was made possible by the contributions of a number of sponsors: ADEA, Albertazzi, Eurovo, Facchini Group, Ipam, Molino Pasini, Standard Tech Impianti and Tecnessenze.

Pastaria was the exclusive media partner for the conference and also collaborated with APPF in its organization.


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