Pastaria Festival

The most highly anticipated event of the year for manufacturers and supply chain operators. A unique format, numerous meeting rooms, an exhibition space and various opportunities to socialise.

The sector’s key players – associations, professional bodies, universities, companies, experts – will come together to share their knowledge and expertise in pasta production during a day of meetings, workshops, laboratories, courses, presentations, lessons and much, much more, all free of charge.

In many meeting rooms and workshops and one exhibition space the Pastaria Festival will provide a unique moment for meetings and discussions between pasta manufacturers and key players in the supply chain.

The visitor

The Pastaria Festival is attended by industrial and artisan pasta manufacturers (in the fields of dried and fresh pasta, gnocchi and ready meals), from Italy and abroad. 

The programme

A programme packed with sessions tailored to the various professionals targeted by the event: owners, heads of research and development, and managers in the fields of production, technology and raw materials procurement, quality assurance, marketing and sales.

Download the programme of the Pastaria Festival 2019.

  Pastaria Festival 2019 - Programma (14.3 MiB, 1,512 hits)

The collaborations

The Pastaria Festival is an event organised in collaboration with the leading Italian and international associations of pasta manufacturers, universities and research institutes, companies and experts.

To take part

All’iniziativa possono partecipare tutti i produttori di pasta. La partecipazione è gratuita, su invito, con registrazione obbligatoria fino ad esaurimento posti.

Upcoming events

The 2022 edition will take place in Parma, next 30 September.

Sign up on to receive updates about upcoming Pastaria Festival.

Become sponsor

Display and share your know-how and your expertise in meetings, workshops, presentations, lectures and courses about the production of pasta.

Exhibit your machinery, your products and your services in the event’s spaces.

Contact us right way and we will help you identify the best way of taking part in the Pastaria Festival, a unique moment for meetings and discussions between pasta manufacturers and the supply chain’s leading players.

Are you a supplier of technologies, ingredients and/or services and would like to become a sponsor of the Pastaria Festival? Discover how. Call us now at +39 (0)521 1564934.