The Argentine pasta industry window to the world

13 October 2016 Off By Pastaria

È in fase di allestimento la prima edizione dell’Annuario della pasta secca in Argentina, curato da UIFRA, l’Associazione che riunisce i produttori del paese sudamericano.


The Unión de Industriales Fideeros de la República Argentina (UIFRA) is the association that represents all the dried pasta manufacturers in Argentina. This year, the UIFRA will launch, for the first time, its institutional yearbook, reviewing all the activities performed during such year.

The yearbook’s publication shall have two main goals: on the one hand, it will give key information for local partners: consumption data, trends, forecasts, and news. The yearbook will be delivered door-to-door to all the local pasta manufacturers and associations within the industry.

On the other hand, the “Argentine Dried Pasta Yearbook” intends to be a presentation book at an international level. Due to its comparative advantages, and natural and human resources, Argentina is a country with a large tradition in food production, and this yearbook intends to show such potential, as regards pasta.

Furthermore, during the last years, the pasta sector’s industrial capacity has reached its maturity, therefore consolidating efficient production processes, due to the investments made. The local demand of products has been widely satisfied, and thus, companies are seeking to open new markets, promising to stock them up efficiently.

This yearbook’s publication has been possible thanks to our main local “pasta” sponsors, and industry suppliers. Additionally, Pastaria contributes as media partner in Europe. Every person interested in receiving digital or printed copies of the yearbook in Spanish or in English may request them at, and the UIFRA will send them.

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